DEAR SOE (And WoW In General)


85 Undead Warlock
Welp, I was sitting here, writing a nice, long post about how I was leaving, why I was leaving, and all of that nonsense, when I realised...

I don't care. And neither will you, most likely.

So, here's the gist of it. I quit WoW. You can't have my stuff. I'm probably not coming back. Syonis isn't dead, and if you see anyone RPing that they have her head or soul or something, you should smack them. I hate most of you and I think you're generally bad.

Also, if you think I'm your friend and you weren't in my guild or one of my former guilds, there's a 95% chance I was just trolling you. That's kinda what I do.

Oh, and Aragonath quit with me.

Love and hugs,
85 Undead Warlock
01/17/2011 3:55 PMPosted by Muireann

You know you love it.
85 Blood Elf Warlock
can i have your stuff
85 Undead Warlock
01/17/2011 3:59 PMPosted by Aragonath
can i have your stuff

85 Blood Elf Warlock
no me
85 Undead Warlock
both of you are bad and should feel bad
85 Blood Elf Warlock
85 Undead Warlock
01/17/2011 4:40 PMPosted by Arisber

85 Pandaren Priest


Remember what I said the last time?

You'll be back.

You know what I'm going to say this time?

You'll be back.

But in the off hand chance you actually stay gone I'll simply annoy you on AIM every now and then and of course, you have my love. Happy travels Fatadin.
85 Undead Warlock
Love ya too, Ada, good luck to you and the Pandas.

Except for the Ret, he can go play in traffic. >:|
84 Blood Elf Rogue
See ya' later, Syo.
Was nice RPing with you that one time.

Edited by Sanath on 1/18/2011 8:58 AM PST
82 Blood Elf Warlock
Hey boss, maybe you remember me, and maybe not. But on the off chance youre just fed up with the grind and maybe certain people, consider investing in a transfer to my realm.

Lots of good RP here. The raiding progression frankly stinks since its not the primary focus here, but you can find that anywhere if thats your bag.

Maybe I'll see you again, and maybe not. Keep the shiny side up! Oh and /Bonk Aragonath for me please and thanks.


- Disastra
"You dont stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing."
85 Human Warrior
See ya in a month ;-P
But.....I just GOT back! No one quits unless I say so!


I feel so abandoned! Wait....I abandoned! Never mind! A break might do you some good!
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Brings me back..
90 Blood Elf Rogue
05/24/2014 10:28 AMPosted by Aerandir
Brings me back..

Yer face brings me back.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Touch me... please...

We should start a guild and name it Hand of the Moon.
Edited by Aerandir on 5/24/2014 10:56 AM PDT
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