[A] <Rusty Blades> Saturday HFC (Normal)

100 Night Elf Hunter
The Rusty Blades are getting together for Normal HFC runs every Saturday @ 5PM Server (usually running 3 hours). Tanks and Healers are pretty much covered (but we can play around with roles). 670 iLVL would be nice, but we prefer players with wisdom of their Toon over gear score.

Just because you spent 3 weeks in Tanaan, grinding Baleful gear, doesn’t mean you’re ready to raid. We are progression minded, but we want to help not only gear, but teach and assist people new to non LFR Raiding. We want people to show up regularly…even after they have gotten gear. The worst thing for a Raid team is to have someone benefit from getting some gear, to then not show up to help others get gear.

Loot rules are not set in stone (still deciding)…but know this…your guild affiliation has ZERO effect on if you get loot or not. There is no “Rusty Blades Loot First” or anything like that. The idea is to build a core Raid Team that can alternate in not only Alts, but others to gear them as well.

We have lots of time before Legion. Let’s have some fun. This would be perfect for the RP’ers out there who are in amazing RP guilds that don’t have the goals or numbers to Raid anything save LFR. This is low stress / low pressure way into Raiding…so come on, give it a try…we need you as much as you could benefit from playing with us.

Must haves

1. Deadly Boss Mods

2. Ventrilo Client (voice comms) installed …you don’t have to talk, but you have to be able to hear / listen to Raid Commands.

3. Proper Gems (if applicable) / Chants

4. Flasks / Food

5. Knowledge of your Class & Role / Rotations / Stat Weights

6. Knowledge of the fight. If you are not familiar with Icy Veins check this out - http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/hellfire-citadel-raid

7. Patience – we will progress but if we are leveling up together and teaching, there will be wipes.

8. Fairly decent disposition. We will not tolerate drama or Elitism

9. The mindset that Raiding is about killing bosses and making pals / forming a cohesive team…NOT getting gear (which is a byproduct…a sexy, sexy byproduct).

10. Thick skin when it comes to ability to take constructive criticism – just because there is no drama / non-Elitism mentality going on here, we don’t want to waste anyone’s time. If you aren’t getting any better after instruction…you may not have a spot…that’s not mean or rude...it’s just how it is…I still love ya.

Cross Realm is tolerable…but we would prefer Cen Circle / Sis o’ Elune cause we all ROCK. Feel free to hit me up @ Darkblade#1391.

- Thieren
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100 Night Elf Hunter
First Rusty Run proved to be quick / fun and successful. We had 12 people I believe...1-Shot Assault and Reaver. 1 Wipe on Kormrok someone got Tier Head slot good to go. Tanks were way ahead of the game. Heals were amazing. DPS was decent. Wipe on Kormrok was a coordination issue quickly resolved and next pull he went down. Couple Wipes on High Council and some Heals had to go, so we called it.

We would love to have additional DPS come along for the fun, or if you want to tank / heal perhaps one of our's can swap over to a DPS spec / toon.

Next Run 9/19 - 5PM Server. Come on Cen Circle.
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