[H] Ghostfang Brotherhood recruiting for raid

100 Tauren Shaman
The Ghostfang Brotherhood is currently recruiting, looking for a few dedicated and friendly players to join our close-knit group. DPS classes are our highest priority for current progression though we will make exceptions for fantastic healers and tanks. If you are interested in raiding with us, our ilevel minimum for current content is ilvl 680.

Raids are Monday and Wednesday nights, 6pm-8pm server (Pacific) time. Progression as of this posting is 5/12 Normal HFC. We are currently ranked #2 on Sisters of Elune progression (this does not include Cenarion Circle server progression). If applying for our raiding team, please be able to attend both nights on a consistent basis, and be fully prepared every raid night.

Some may consider us casual raiders, as we raid only two nights a week, 4 hours total- but we expect people to show up prepared, as we respect our time and the time of our guildmates and friends. We are an adult-only guild filled with people who have jobs, families, and obligations. We raid because we love it, and we like spending time with others who feel the same way we do about having some quality fun with good people while we are playing this game.

Tuesday nights we get together for "drink night" and run LFR on mains and alts. We do occasional achievement runs, older content, and have people with a wide variety of interests who are always willing to help out.

As a guild GFB originated on Argent Dawn, and traveled as a group to Sisters of Elune when it opened in January 2007. Many of us have been gaming together for 8 years or more, but welcome the chance to make new friendships with awesome people. That’s just the sort we are - hang around long enough and you're family.

If you're looking for a guild of friendly folks to raid with and a place to call home, please check out our website www.ghostfang.com and visit the recruitment section at -> http://www.ghostfang.com/index.php/kunena/1-recruitment.
Please read the first post and follow the instructions within, a guild officer will contact you shortly thereafter to facilitate an interview. In game, contact Habiki or Miangustt for more information.
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I'm Odhinn, and I love this message.
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