Lectures on Magic (NEW WEEKLY EVENT)

100 Blood Elf Warlock
Thanks to the quick responses I got from the forum post on weather or not I should host an event. I have decided to host anevent.

Shadow Kingdom presents Lectures on Ancient Arts. The events will be lectures from a founding member of Shadow Kingdom. (Expect roughly 75% Zurom 20% Vi'ta and 5% other(Nazxia, Ahdes, Swizelle). The lectures will regard what are often considered darker topics in WoW lore. Including but not limited to Arcane Origins, Demonology, Necromancy, Voodoo, and so much more.

As it stands now I plan for most of the events are to take place in the empty dome room outside Karazhan. I figured it would be a fitting place to discuss all things magic. Maybe when Vi'ta hosts a lesson will will move South to the Temple of Bethekk. It is very, very close to Karazhan.

The first event will be Monday September 28th and 7pm outside Karazhan. Unless people think they may need more heads up then it will be on the following Monday October 5 at the same time. Please use the comments below to ask any questions you may have. I hope everyone will enjoy themselves with this new weekly event.
Edited by Zurom on 10/5/2015 1:27 PM PDT
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100 Undead Priest
Lithliana has this up on Doomguard's calendar. I'll be sure to let our warlocks know about it as well.
Edited by Clottia on 9/26/2015 6:56 AM PDT
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100 Undead Priest
I got wrapped up and unfortunately missed this. How did it go? How was the turn out?

More importantly, when and where will the next lecture take place?
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Next lecture is today at the same time 7pm. This time the host will be Vi'ta a troll witchdoctor loyal to the loa Bethekk. The location will be The Temple of Betheek which is right next to Karazhan if you go south to Zul'Gurub. Looking forward to all that will come.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
2nd lecture postponed to next Monday the 12th same time and place (7pm realm, Temple of Bethekk)
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