<BoP> Filling spots for a 2nd 10 man

100 Human Paladin
Cenarion Circle

Birds of Paradise is under new leadership! We are currently raiding and recruiting. We are looking for an Off Tank, 2 range dps and 1 melee, for our 2nd weekly raid at 630-9 server, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. Currently we are B.D. 4/6, BofT 2/4, T.B. 1/1, TofW 1/2. If interested send in game tell to Johnblaze or Alinathered or email jdhakalaze@yahoo.com, Applications at bop.guildlaunch.com. We are also recruiting anyone that would like a home in a relax Lvl. 10 guild that's lots of fun. Plenty of Pvp in the works as well as daily heroic farming. Very active if your looking for a great home come on over!
Edited by Johnblaze on 1/24/2011 9:03 PM PST
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85 Goblin Hunter
What happened to the old leadership?
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100 Worgen Warrior
Im not interested in joining the guild as im starting one of my own but would be interested in raiding with you guyz as your off tank. Have a hunter that would come with me if interest at all pm me in game and we can talk from there
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