Returned to WoW & SoE and LFGuild

70 Draenei Shaman
Hello Sisters of Elune,

Long story short I have been on a three year hiatus from WoW and returned as of last weekend. My friends have since moved on to other servers and at $20 a pop I am not looking to move them any time soon. I have many higher level toons, 3 at 70, 4 in their 60s (mostly female toons, despite myself being a guy), and all Alliance on this server.

While I have past experience leading instances and raids, so much has changed, I would rather follow and relearn for a while. I am looking for a casual guild that does some endgame events and has a friendly atmosphere. RP is a plus. I have never been a huge PVPer in the past, however, I am more than willing to take part in Guild Battlegrounds and Arenas.

Please either reply to this topic or send me an in game mail.


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85 Draenei Death Knight
We'll i would love to talk to you more in-game.
Were a mature guild seeking more casual players.

You can whisper the following:
Seidhr , Crtos , Keylah , Jiovanna , Qadie , Laneus about the guild
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