[H] Purgatory's Finest is Recruiting!

90 Orc Death Knight
Purgatory's Finest is finishing up with heroics and looking to start raiding again. We are comprised of like minded, goofy older people. We are primarily an evening guild and most active after 7 or 8pm.

We will be starting out with Wednesday night raids (8:30pm-11:30pm) and moving to a Monday-Wednesday schedule once we get back in the swing of things. (We currently hit Algaloth Tuesday nights.)

We're looking primarily for healers and ranged DPS, but another tank/offspec would be nice as well. Happy to help you gear up, and we're primarily interested in if you're a good match personality wise. If you're interested, please send Aldoor an in-game mail.
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90 Orc Death Knight
Still need a bit more of everything. Thanks!
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