I'm looking for them for RP use. They're level 73 BoE cloth legs. If anyone happens to come across them, please let me know, along with the price that you are looking for them. I can't guarantee I'll buy them, but I'm in the market. Preferably horde-side, but I'm flexible if an alliance person comes across them first. Thanks!
WTB Leggings of the Icy Heart
Just looked on WoWhead / google images at your legs in question. Is there no other "easier-to-obtain-than-random-drop-in-Northrend" legs that might suit you.....again im not tellin you nutin, if you want em, get em.....but ive never seen em, and have leveled 5 toons through NR....good luck.
I've seen them before, on the AH, and they've adjusted random treasure chests and such in all the zones to have better loot in them. It's not anything I'm freaking out over, I'm just putting it out there in case someone happens to come across them.
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