That name you always wanted... but can't have

90 Tauren Druid
This thread is for that name you would LOVE to have for one of your characters, but can't have because...'s taken. violates the RP rules. don't have any more character slots.

Mine is... Shadowburger, the Tauren Shadow Priest. :D Can't have it, obviously, because it violates the RP rules. But I can dream.
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86 Human Paladin
I had a female Draenei for awhile that was named Handlebarz, then it got reported so I changed it to Vagaline. That didn't last long either, not sure why.
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85 Draenei Shaman
Anneorcly- female orc hunter

Piebeard- dwarf

Sharktapus- draenei male
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90 Human Paladin
i have a bunch of characters that don't have RP names in the truest sense, but they have been around for years, I guess you really have to make someone angry to get noticed... The only time any of my char's names have been reported, actually, is on this char. His original name was Treason. That got reported back in vanilla, so I changed it to Dartaneon, since I was watching the disney 3 musketeers movie. Yet no one reports that.... or Teenwolf, Hasselhof, Jigawatts, Farquad odd.
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100 Human Mage
Phunkyphresh and Snuffleupagus.
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100 Orc Warrior
The name I wanted but can't have was the same name I had on my original server with this warrior (which was not an rp server).

It was.....Peon. I enjoyed that name a lot for a good year before I transferred.
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100 Troll Shaman
I always get away with silly names and without using special characters. It's when I try to use a famous character from some fantasy novel that they're always TAKEN!! I guess that's not surprising on an RP server.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
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100 Orc Warrior
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100 Undead Warrior
None, asss we wanted Abominusss, and got it, yesss!
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