[H][RP] Homeland Welcome Walk!

90 Troll Hunter
Homeland invites any citizens of the Horde to join in on its weekly excursions from a major capital to a starting area. We offer exercise, good company, and (for the newest members of the Horde) items to speed you on your way and make your stay in Azeroth a pleasant one. Some weeks, things are quiet; some weeks, they're crazy! Some weeks, there's a big crowd, and others there's a small one. Check back often to see where we'll be each week.

All walks begin, unless otherwise noted, at 6:30 pm ST/PT on Wednesday.
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90 Troll Hunter
Week of Jan. 19: Beginning in Silvermoon City at the main gate.
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90 Troll Hunter
Week of 26 January: Orgrimmar (rear gate) to Bilgewater Harbour. "One night in Bilgewater makes a hard orc humble..."
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90 Troll Hunter
Last week, I forgot to update this; apologies.

For this week, we'll take a break, although we plan to resume next week. The week after that will be the Festival of Sen Pad'rek!
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