Looking for Guild

46 Blood Elf Warlock
Hello SOE, I have once again decided to give WoW a try, I have enjoyed it in the past but not finding that right guild or group of people led me to go back to another game previously.

I am looking for a casual, new player friendly, leveling, questing type guild and if the players are older (30 +) that is a bonus but I would consider dropping that preference for the right fit.

I am in EST and play evenings (weeknights) and most of the weekend, I am willing to re-roll or change factions for (again) the right fit.

Grouping / running dungeons is what I like best, soloing in a game this large with this many people makes little sense and is not desirable so having people to hang out with is my goal.
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90 Troll Druid
Well, it's tough to find guilds devoted to the leveling experience, especially below level 80 (or 70 or 60); a great many people hit 60 within a week or less. And then eventually everyone hits level 85 and asks, "What now?" :P

With that said, Cry of Luna might be able to help you out on your travels. We're a mix between social/friendly and raiding guild. We have a lot of good people in guild, who would be happy to help you out. We cultivate a mature and drama-free environment, and if you are interested in eventually raiding at level cap, we offer competitive raiding as well.

In any case, there are a lot of good guilds on SoE and I'm certain you'll find the right match if you look hard enough. Good luck with your search!


P.S. Don't faction swap to the Alliance! They're full of stinky night elves and crochety dwarfs; lunatic gnomes and butt-sniffing worgen. The only proper time to join the Alliance is on the field of battle. Our guild likes to plant flowers afterwards on the freshly fertilized earth (either Alliance blood...or more frequently, the fresh soilings of our enemies before they hearth back to Stormwind). ^^
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46 Blood Elf Warlock
Thank you for your post it is appreciated, I won't be 60 in a week that's for certain, I have to relearn everything I knew before which frankly wasn't much.

I will keep looking and will contact you in game to chat.

I'm always looking for pointers as this is quite different from what I am used to.
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46 Blood Elf Warlock
Edited by Laveyan on 1/23/2011 3:21 PM PST
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