Jed'hin and its creation

100 Draenei Hunter
The content of Turwinkle's Jed'hin video contains misinformation that I have to address: Jed'hin did not originate in Argent Dawn EU.

I invented Jed'hin. There are several sources that can be easily found on Google simply by typing "jed'hin" that lead back to me (iseijin/isei-silva) since years ago, it's first conceptualization at around 2011. It can be found as easily as in the first few results, so there even isn't any real sleuting to do. I understand there was no real intent to sideswipe my credit or anything. I don’t blame the Sha'tor or any of the officers for not knowing where Jed’hin came from, but I am a bit peeved that it seems little to no effort was made to find out.

If I may also add that what also bothers me quite a bit is that people who see that video will believe that misinformation and essentially, indirectly, discredit my efforts put into jed’hin and all its conceptualization and work to make a draenei sport for the roleplay community. Again, I am not blaming the Sha'tor nor its officers for not knowing, merely disappointed at the lack of commitment to find its (easily found) source.
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56 Gnome Mage
This was a big mistake on my part! I hopefully have fixed this! I would love to get a chance to sit down with you on this after Blizzcon! I think it would make a great episode to hear from you on how you came up with the idea and how it has evolved over time!

You have given proper credit not only on tumblr, twitter but the forums here as well! :D I have also put on the description of the video itself that you are indeed the creator of the episode.

So hopefully we will have an awesome episode with Alkernon here soon folks!
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