Why Hello There, Cenarion Circle

81 Orc Warrior
Tis so fun to tease you guys. Just another 10-day free trial sent to my e-mail, and I only really activated it to talk 'round here.

How are things?
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100 Human Paladin
So rude. I had hoped you were returning. We miss you.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Hello, Korica.

Are you here to cut Imperon in two again? I imagine he'd be beside himself were he to see you again.
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81 Orc Warrior
That seems like forever ago, it does.
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81 Orc Warrior
01/27/2011 10:44 AMPosted by Rukentuts
You surviving this winter?

Global Warming has hit us hard this year.

My area is expecting massive flooding state-wide. Yayzors.
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100 Tauren Hunter
Your leadership as Mayor of Westfall has beeing extraoridinary, the town really has grown nicely with you in charge!
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01/31/2011 12:32 AMPosted by Mingonashoba
Your leadership as Mayor of Westfall has beeing extraoridinary, the town really has grown nicely with you in charge!

Not to mention burning brightly. Such a pain to defend a phased area. You could hit that all day and we would scratch our heads wondering where you are.

Not an invite to do so by any means, no sir, not at all...
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81 Orc Warrior
Phased area? Meaning, if I don't have Cata, I cannot enter the new version and thus cannot be attacked by people from the new version?
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100 Night Elf Priest
Everyone gains access to new Azeroth (even if you had purchased original Warcraft in 2004, left immediately, and came back today).

I presume Westfall has phased regions dependent on quest lines, although I have not (yet) quested there and therefore cannot provide a learned statement.
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You can see the new version, it's just that after a chain of quests it phases. There was an attack I think last week where I could see the person just outside the walls (where the homeless are), but after they went into the fortified area they vanished.

Since I completed the quest chain, they are basically attacking the pre-chained Hill and I can't do anything about it. That is unless I get a character that hasn't finished the quests there.

Basically, you could go into Sentinel Hill and trash it, I'd have to sit outside the walls and hope you come out to say hi.
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