<WS> recruiting for 25m / 2nd 10m

85 Orc Warrior
Wilderness Stalkers is recruiting to fill out our raids. We have one 10man that is killing 5 bosses already and are looking to get a second one going, with tuesdays and wednesdays as a combined 25man. Most raids will be 515-8 server time,

We're good on tanks, but could use a handful of dps and heals. Specifically, we could use Resto shamis, druids, boomkins, Rogues, and warlocks.

We are not looking for any more warriors, DK's, or hunters.

Those interested should contact Malakii, Vyyle, Seerai (all three the same person) for more information. If he's unavailable, try fierceflint or gorgalkia.
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85 Orc Death Knight
Wilderness Stalkers is a horde side guild that has been around for a long while.

We like to have fun during our raids (as well as the rest of the time).

You may contact me if Malakii is unavailable.
Edited by Erinia on 1/29/2011 9:44 PM PST
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