Writing Challenge 4

~post is OOC~

IN A WORLD where people write about the goings-on in an ONLINE GAME, ONE GOBLIN will challenge his ENTIRE SERVER to write about random stuff FOR THE FOURTH TIME.



Yeah... I didn't get around to it last week. Real Life has beckoned. But it's a new week now, and for that, I give you a new subject.

Your subject: Lunar Festival

Yes, the Lunar Festival. How does your character celebrate the season? Does s/he even take notice? Do they like/dislike the holiday? It's up to you.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Sara, could care less about the lunar festival thingy....whatever. I mean she did have more important matters to attend to. Tormenting the weak seemed a good enough excuse she pondered dily, as she rest her silken clad back against the fine cobblestone walls of Silvermoon city. As she watched passer byers go and light fireworks , she wondered what it was all about, and why such a crazy to go and visit some crotchety elders, just to recieve a token of appreciation.

Rolling her shoulders, she had seen her wife approching, as usual with a stack of books and papers. She spoke in almost a laughing matter " Busy again it seems love."

" Always busy, however plenty of time to spend with you" Leenia responded.

A small grin crossed her lips, as she knew what that entailed. However she just nodded her head and went back to watching those elves, orcs, and even some forsaken partaking in the events. Watching her wife stop, she pulled the mask down from her face, and lifted the brimmed hat, she placed a tender kiss to her wifes lips, before watching her walk away.

Today was going to be a good day.......
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87 Gnome Priest
Grommet made her way to the tower, stopping to bless its defenders, heal the wounded and occasionally unleash the Torque of the Great Gear to provide comfort or exact penance depending on the soul of the recipient.

"Half stairs, just a few on the outside rail. That would be so nice," Grommet puffed as she half climbed half jumped up the final flight to the top of the tower.

"Greetings young Ma- Priestess. The year has brought many changes, I see."

"Yes, Elder Skychaser."

"You seem less troubled, and you've come again, despite the turmoil."

Grommet blushed, "you're being here gives me hope."

"Hope, child?"

"That our peoples will some day get along."

"Then your visit gives me hope, as well."

"Thank you, Elder."

"You are most welcome."

The two sat in silence, watching Elune rise above the horizon. Finally the chill in the air grew uncomfortable and Grommet bid the Elder farewell, until next year.

As she headed down the steps she turned back to wave to the Elder.

"Green, Fulcrum Grommet, definitely the green."

Grommet smiled, and caught the coin tossed to her by the Elder.
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85 Undead Death Knight
lol, Skrail :D

Deatharm quietly flies around Orgrimmar in a circle when he notices a BEAM OF LIGHT coming from the HEAVENS or whatever the Orgrimmar sky is like. Now, this wasn't any ORDINARY magical beam of light, this was a MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGICAL BEAM OF LIGHT!

Deatharm flies to the beam of light and STARES HARD at the beam of light. He ponders the beam of light. He touches the beam of light. He even (through about 5 minutes of pondering on his extremely sexy nether purple drake thing) SMELLS the beam of light! And then suddenly..

"GREETINGS, TRAVELER!?!" A nice and calm voice comes up behind him in a voice of cowness AWESOME. Deatharm pulls out his sword and does a backwards swing, barely missing the cow behind him. "Walk with the earthmother." She pulls out her hands out of her dress (o.O) and CASTS A DRUIDLIKE BEAM OF MAGICAL BEAMNESS and everybody cheers and stuff and I have NO idea what is going on.

Deatharm steps into the beam of light and he's TELEPORTED to Moonglade.

"I hate Moonglade." Deatharm looks around and sees MANY MORE COWS, but these were DRUIDLY COWS and they were casting GREEN MAGIC, which is like YELLOW magic ONLY THATS GREEN! Deatharm GETS ON HIS DRAKE and flies to Omen, the big dog and is all like "OMEN, I SHALL SOLO YOU!"

HE didn't. He died.

The end. :D
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