Is this a good RP server?

15 Human Mage
Greetings! I'm posting on this forum (hiding my true face behind a MG alt) to test the waters for quality RP on the realm.

I have a couple of questions...

1. Which faction tends to have the most solid RP?
2. Are there global OOC channels for both factions?
3. What is the overall population of roleplayers, at least, relative to other servers?
4. Lastly, just a rating of the server from 1-10 based on your own experience.

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10 Dwarf Paladin
Well, after doing a bit of research I recently rerolled here. I have a character each side. My other toons are on WrA and Moonguard. So I think that I might be able to give you some insight that someone who's been here forever may not be able to. But listen to those people too because they know lots that I don't.

1) In my opinion, they're about equal. One of the things I've found on this server is that a lot of people tend to play both sides. Many of the alliance and horde event are planed around each other.

2)/HordeOOC and /AllianceOOC. Great people in both. Just don't be shy about talking in there. You're not going to join and have a flood of people asking about you. So just introduce yourself and let everyone know you're around and what you're looking for. Everyone seems to know each other, but I've found breaking in isn't too hard.

3) There are actually quite a few RPers. And all I've had to do to get RP is ask "Does anyone want to RP?" in the ooc channels. Now, I will say this: This server's RP is mostly guild based and event based. There's a sticky of events and guilds posted in these forums up top.

Here are the advantages: You're going to find that the quality of rp is better here. Guild rp here is better than mg by a long shot. I don't know about you, but I had there problem where I'd find a guild that sounded good and two weeks later they'd disband. The ones here seem pretty stable. The weekly events are really well organized too. You're gong to find more story-driven rp here. And I've found very few griefers. The ooc channels are great. I've never not found someone willing to rp. You just have to ask.

Here are the disadvantages: Random walk-up RP like you see on WrA or moonguard doesn't really exist here. You're not going to walk around sw and find full taverns, an active cathedral, and a slew of people walking around town. Every once in awhile you'll catch some somewhere, but it's nothing to count on. The people you "randomly" see in town probably know each other or asked in the ooc channel. Also, everyone knows everyone else here so there's kind of that "new kid" feeling at first. But in a week or so, you'll fit right in.

4)Honestly, I love it here. I'd give it an 8, but I'm willing to haggle for some ale.
Edited by Mortillda on 2/1/2011 1:39 AM PST
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85 Human Paladin
Basically what Mortillda said. The other thing I wanted to mention is that CC tends to lean heavy on adherence to WoW lore. No long lost vampire dragon brother of Arthas and Illiden kinda thing.
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15 Human Mage
Everything you've said so far sounds favorable. I haven't played on MG (on my main, that is) in about a year, so I can attest to knowing the small-server, guild-centric feel. I don't mind it - unless it starts to get cliquey.

I'll make an alt there one weekend. If I end up enjoying myself, I may transfer my mains there sometime during the summer.
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1. Which faction tends to have the most solid RP?
I have a characters on both sides. My "old main" is horde side, my "current" main is alliance side. I would say it is easier to find random RP in Stormwind than it is in Orgrimmar. Stop by the blue recluse and it is only a matter of time before someone will 'walk' by.

2. Are there global OOC channels for both factions?
Definitely! Both OOC and IC channels on both sides. They are listed in the stickies!

3. What is the overall population of roleplayers, at least, relative to other servers?
I checked my friends list both sides. I usually add every RPer I come across as it is. Take away "known" alts it easily tops 90 unique characters each side, and I know for a fact that there are others I have not added as I see them post on the forums as RPers and have run across them ICly ingame yet. 90 might not sound like a lot, but it is more than enough that there are is always someone online. Again, I know there are dozens more I have not met ingame yet.

4. Lastly, just a rating of the server from 1-10 based on your own experience.
Having never played on any of the other RP servers, I would still give CC a solid 8/10. As others have said, walk up random RP is a bit on the short side. Guild and event RP thrives. That being said, RP is what you make of it, so if you want to promote more, then set an example and others will follow!

8 months playing horde side and I only came across one griefer. 4 months alliance side, so far, and I have yet to see one. Trade chat is pretty much what it is anywhere. By default I stay out of it as is, even when I played on Non-RP servers. Never seen anything "questionable" in Goldshire the few times I've run through it, or RPed in it.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
CC=my home for a good 5 years......rarely seen RP yet again I was always busy with raiding before,but now that i've taken some times to "smell the roses" I found out that RP has been hideing from me for the past 3 years. I was involved with an RP or two in Goldshire before I left for such a long time, but that has been long gone, but over all if you take the time to look I'm sure you'll find some nice people.
Edited by Tariand on 2/3/2011 8:29 PM PST
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100 Worgen Death Knight
There are rumors there's a draenei (and occasionally worgen) who goes around stealing peoples' pants too. Mostly unfounded rumors.


I spent some time Horde-side back in Burning Crusade and found an awesome and active RP community, particularly Modas il Toralar, the Horde guild I was in at the time. They had regular involvement with the other major Horde RP guilds like Grim Maw Clan and Da Doctas. Da Doctas weekly Clinic events in Crossroads were a major source of Horde RP.

I'm now Alliance side, and I'm pleased to note that after a two-year sojourn on Wyrmrest Accord, most of the RP guilds that were around on Cenarion Circle when I was there last are still here in one form or another: Sisters of Mercy seems to be gone, though the people I knew from there are now in Pillar of Honor. Pia Presidium and Lluchduu Ocheliad are two of the oldest Alliance RP guilds on the realm (LO being the first RP guild formed on the realm 6 years ago), and there are some other great RP guilds around. The weekly RP events are your best bet for reliable RP, and the OOC channels are a good place to meet the regular RPers and get the inside skinny on when a random bit of RP is happening. For the Alliance, random RP tends to happen at the Blue Recluse in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.

Come join us!

Just watch out for that draenei and worgen who may steal your pants...
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