[H] <Dying Breed> Recruitment

85 Tauren Druid

<Dying Breed> is looking to recruit a few people to optimize our 10-man progression groups.

Our main raids run 2 nights a week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30-11:00pm Server Time.

We only run for a few hours so we are pretty strict about everyone being on-time and ready to roll when raid starts.

Currently seeking the following classes/specs:
    Paladin - Holy, Prot
    Shaman - Enhance, Ele
    Mage - Arcane
    Death Knight - Blood, Frost
    Druid - Feral (Tank)

We're also planning an alt raid for Sundays. EVERYONE is encouraged to inquire about this run. Its a few of our core members playing alts, welcoming new members and allowing those who can't attend our regularly scheduled raid times to get a chance to learn the fights and see some content.

We run heroics, we PvP and most of us love doing random achievements and dailies together just to hang out & enjoy each others company. We also share everything and have at least 1 of every profession maxed and are always happy to craft for each other.

Subs are also always in need so please speak with one of our officers through the in-game mail system or in whispers for more info. Please be courteous when sending whispers as we might be running a raid or in a heroic and may not be able to give you the proper attention you deserve as a potential member.


++ Everyone is more than welcome to join us, as we are a fun group who like to meet new people and just enjoy playing the game.

NOTE: Unfortunately raid slots are not guaranteed to everyone, but we regularly evaluate individual progression, attendance, activity, etc to determine eligibility for future raid slots.

Thank you for taking the time to inquire about <Dying Breed>, we look forward to meeting you =)

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85 Tauren Priest
FYI, Frost is better DPS than arcane right now. Just helpin ^.^
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85 Tauren Druid
We filled a few spots already but always willing to accept new faces for heroics, achievements, alt runs and raids. I encourage you to check us out and the many other great guilds on this realm!! ALWAYS explore your options to find the best fit <3

Hope to hear from ya ;)

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85 Tauren Druid
Open recruitment is still going on, we're currently 7/12 and having a good time. Give any of us a holler if you are interested ;)

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