LFG non RP guild

85 Blood Elf Death Knight
MY husband and I have about 8 characters on Sisters between the both of us. We are looking for a non-rp guild to call home. Please post a little about your guild or contact me thruough mail in game. Mitsukio.
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Not sure if you're looking for an Alliance or Horde guild, but we cover both anyway so here's the pitch;

Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Broken Butterfly
Guild Type: Casual PvE, light PvP, Social, Raiding (in the future)
Contacts: Drakage, Tenebrio, Razara, Casitha
Web site: http://brokenbutterfly.atspace.com/
Recruiting: Yes

Information: It's just a few of us starting out, but the guild has been in the works for over a year. We are very organized and we are always looking for mature players to enjoy the game with us. We promote a fun atmosphere and we hope you'll join us.

Additional information: We do ask that anyone wishing to join to please visit our website and click on the "Joining" link for further instructions on how to join. If you want to sign up on our forum, we also request that you do so with the name of the character you wish to join the guild with (for the sake of helping us to stay organized). We are currently not raid-ready yet, but we're hoping to change that once we have a core group of people who wish to take those steps with us to make it happen.

All of the above also apply to our sister Horde guild. Both are managed and run by the fiancee and I, so if you're looking for a home, we'd love to hear from you.
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<Kind of a Big Deal> is a ten-man, PvE-based guild on the Sisters of Elune server, and is currently looking to add a few more players who are also a big deal to the roster. We run a casual schedule with a 'hardcore', progression-based mindset.
We raid late nights, raid times starting at 9pm server (CST) and ending (usually) at 1am. Days are currently more flexible (sticking to 3 nights a week) and we are leaving weekends open for those 'real-life' things people have. These will be set in stone once the core has been completely established.
After only a few weeks of raids we are 7/12 in content and moving forward quickly. Every boss that has had attempts put on it has been successfully downed.

We are currently looking for the following to add to the team:
-One Tank
-One Healer

We will also take any exceptional DPS players who are able to prove a thorough knowledge of their class.

We are aiming to be tight-knit, and in offtime we generally have people online doing heroic achievements, PvPing, or doing other random things together.
Also, if you are an easily-offended individual, this is DEFINITELY not the guild for you.

If you have additional questions or concerns, feel free to post them here or contact Evac (or Alyxaria) in-game.
Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you!

You guys didn't say anything about raiding but i thought i'd post for our casual section, we have friends and family of the guild that hang out with us, do heroics, old school content, achievements (guild and non) or just people to talk to in gchat.
If you have any questions let me know.
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