{H} Looking for a Guild

85 Draenei Shaman
Hello there! As the title says, I'm looking for a guild Horde-side. I'm perfectly happy in my guild Alliance-side, and trying to cut back to playing just two characters.

What I am looking for in a guild:
- Lots of active members during evening/night hours (10pm to 2am EST). Those are the hours I'm usually on, and it's kind of useless (in my opinion) to join a guild where few/none of the members are on at the same time as me.
- Members that like to quest and run dungeons together, rather than everyone doing their own thing. Obvioiusly, I realize that not everyone is the same level, but I see far too little of the 'massively multi-player' in the game.
- Casual raiding. I'd like to see the end-game content this time around, but I really don't care about rapid progression or hard-modes. Taking down the bosses of one tier on normal mode before the next tier comes out is good enough for me.
- Lore-compliance. I'm looking for a guild on a roleplaying server, so this *should* be easy and obvious, but just thought I'd make sure.

What I am offering:
Dedication: I am on 4-5 hours every night. Also, my guild Alliance-side is a social, roleplaying guild, so there shouldn't be any schedule conflicts.
Knowledge: I've played almost every class to level 80 or above, have healed a few raids and DPS'ed a few others.
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100 Undead Rogue
might you be best at healing or tanking?
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