Guild, Looking for Guild...

85 Blood Elf Priest
After several months or going against the grain and even going through a name change, I'm starting to realize that I've been fighting an uphill battle this entire time by trying to get a small guild rolling forward in the right direction.

We've got maybe seven players of varying experience and competence that I don't feel are getting a fair deal by our guild's inability to progress forward and with the multitude of changes that Cataclysm has brought; it's safe to say PUGing is like pulling teeth.

We would like to join a larger active guild where we could socialize and integrate ourselves into the fold by running dungeons, rated battleground, raids, etc.

I'm asking as one GM to several others out there for help because my guild is made up of some really good people and what they lack in experience they more than make up for in desire and devotion, otherwise they wouldn't have stayed as long as some of them have. I feel I owe it to them as my last act of their leader to lead them somewhere they can thrive.

Again, we don't expect to join the best rated guild on the server or anything, just one where we can at least SEE some of the content we're paying for.

Feel free to comment herein or mail me in-game. Thanks.

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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Ya might wanna check out <Unbroken>, We are by far no means on the bleeding edge of content. But we do run heroics together, Cap our guild rep, do dailies together, and on Fridays and saturdays at 9 pm server run 10 man content, with I do believe the intent of 25 man progression in the future. We are laid back and chill.

Plus it never hurts to have more bodies for Rated BG's, Since that is an aspect of the game I taking full accountability for in the guild.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
So long as all my guildies are welcome I'd go anywhere that offers us a decent We're very laid back but sociable it's just taxing on our morale to sometimes be the only one or two people online for hours straight waiting in never-ending heroic queues...*chuckle* I'll look you up in game if that suits you, or if there's a better person to contact let me know. Thanks for the quick response though :)
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Yeah, I'd say try and get hold of me. However my work schedule is wonky, so your best bet might be contacting our GM Nearra, Sagiv, Alaewyn, Gerrod, and Maelynj. And of course they'd be welcome, and the home is decent and warm. Very bunch of friendly folk
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85 Blood Elf Priest
I'll gather everyone up on Monday since that should be sufficient warning to allow everyone to do what they need to before moving so I shall be in contact with you then. Thanks again! :)
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34 Goblin Mage
Monday is perfect since I am off that day

oops posted on wrong toon * fails *
Edited by Monii on 1/28/2011 2:49 PM PST
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