The Ticking Mailbox!

85 Goblin Shaman
Howdy folks!
As of last night, various people have received saronite bombs in the mail. Read the description, and you'll find it wasn't delivered in most cases, but rather was planted there. If you found one it was "random".
Now, you had a 50/50 chance if you received one of these bombs to diffuse it or have it explode.
I'd love to hear what you rolled, and how your character responded.
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90 Troll Hunter
Poni had been spending the evening wandering across the landscapes of Kalimdor, seeking relics in various archaeological digs that were being carried out here and there across the landscape. Archaeology was hard work, and the hours of meticulously digging, recording the position and context of each artifact was laborious, and the dirt and grit that made its way under one's fingernails was always an annoyance that would have to be dealt with.

And so it was that a tired troll, covered in dirt but happy all the same to have made a number of interesting discoveries, stopped by a mailbox to see if any of the items that she'd listed for auction back in Orgrimmar had sold.

She didn't notice the ticking sound that could faintly be heard, and so when the mailbox exploded several seconds later, destroying her hearthstone and blowing off one of her fingertips, it would take her some time -- and only then via remarks from others who had heard of other bombings -- to figure out what had happened to her.

Poni wasn't seriously hurt, although she did lose consciousness for a time a little while later. Fortunately for her, the missing fingertip would grow back -- but her pride would take a little longer.

She did, however, want to know who had done this and why ...
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90 Blood Elf Priest
A neatly-lettered sign pasted near many public mailboxes:


A recent rash of bombings has specifically targeted mailboxes in the Horde. Please exercise caution when checking your mail. Avoid moving or tampering with any unexpected packages -- report these to the authorities! For maximum security, only ship packages with a private contractor or other guaranteed courier service.

- This Public Service Announcement was partially funded by the Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service. -
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85 Goblin Shaman
The goblin slid past the Darnassus guards, just as he did the ones in Stormwind, slowly making his way to the mail-box, least his invisibility field give out prematurely and leave him in the middle of his task. He attached a small explosive charge to the bottom of the wooden package container, and turned a small knob. Grinning, the goblin crept away from the box and down into a hidden cellar. The abandoned city wouldn't have as many people as the others, but still, the effect of Alliance mailboxes all over Azeroth detonating at once? It would only add as reports from even the most obscure, back-hill Alliance town sent in reports of exploding mailboxes.

Soon, the postal service would come to a glorious, fiery end!
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100 Human Warlock
The Nuke It From Orbit partnership is deeply saddened to hear of these attacks on the Horde mail system, and deplores the the use of advanced weapons systems on civilian population.

We also want to reassure our investors that all appropriate security measures are in place to protect our stocks of Saronite ore. Additionally we will also be placing additional Alarm-o-bots at our depleted Saronite mining sites..

We would also like to offer some of our engineering staff's supplies of first aid supplies to Horde humanitarian organizations.

Master Engineer.

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