{H} - 7/12 Kind of a Big Deal LFM for core

85 Blood Elf Priest
<Kind of a Big Deal> is a ten-man, PvE-based guild on the Sisters of Elune server, and is currently looking to add a few more players who are also a big deal to the roster. We run a casual schedule with a 'hardcore', progression-based mindset.
We raid late nights, raid times starting at 9pm server (CST) and ending (usually) at 1am. Days are currently more flexible (sticking to 3 nights a week) and we are leaving weekends open for those 'real-life' things people have. These will be set in stone once the core has been completely established.
After only a few weeks of raids we are 7/12 in content and moving forward quickly. Every boss that has had attempts put on it has been successfully downed.

We are currently looking for the following to add to the team:

    -One Tank
    -One Healer

We will also take any exceptional DPS players who are able to prove a thorough knowledge of their class.

We are aiming to be tight-knit, and in offtime we generally have people online doing heroic achievements, PvPing, or doing other random things together.
Also, if you are an easily-offended individual, this is DEFINITELY not the guild for you.

If you have additional questions or concerns, feel free to post them here or contact Evac (or Alyxaria) in-game.
Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you!

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90 Human Paladin
evac is kind of a big deal...

in my heart <3
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85 Goblin Shaman
Oh hai
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Ohai World.
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85 Tauren Warrior
Evac likes to be bumped.
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