Hello everyone,

Order of Discord is a level 6.5 casual RP/Raiding/Leveling guild looking for new members. Our doors are open to anyone who's interested in having a good time in a good group of people. We're currently looking for any and all applicants to get going for raids, but are open to any and all class/levels/races.

If you're not an RPer, we're certainly willing to accept you under the simple conditions that you respect those members in the guild that do RP, understand that Gchat is all IC, and otherwise show the same courtesy towards other members we'd expect from anyone.

If you're interested in joining, you can either whisper one of our members in game, send myself an in-game mail stating your interest to join, or reply to this thread and I'll see about contacting you in-game myself. We also have an OOC channel called PlanB, which is open to anyone regardless of guild so long as they're respectful of the players in channel.

Thanks for all your time,