Curious about this server...

80 Blood Elf Priest
Hey there! I'm looking into other RP severs and I've heard good things about this one. So tell me are there any casual Role-playing guilds on this server? Forgive me if I have trouble explaining what I mean by casual role-player I'm not certain how these weigh classes work.
So how is the RP on each side? And what are some guilds I may want to look into if I do roll on Sisters of Elune? Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer me. :)
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85 Undead Death Knight
Hey there. :P

On Horde, RP is almost non existant. And bad most of the time. SoE is not really a RP server anymore, it tries to be a PvE server instead.

Hell, my guild is all social/PvE for that reason... we move with the tide. The tide says PvE. XD

Overall, this isn't a RP server you want to be on for RP. It's good for Trade chat and PvE. :P

- Deatharm
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85 Draenei Shaman
I say this to everyone who has an interest in this server: Make a toon and try it out. Alliance side is pretty fun. We have some great guilds and a fun community. There are plenty of events that go on during the week and we're always trying to work on more.

I can't really say much for horde though.

Either way, I hope you decide to give Sisters a chance, despite what everyone says.
Edited by Anainn on 1/31/2011 4:24 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Mage
Well howdy!

There is in fact Horde RP -- you just have to look for it. If your style is waiting around Wayfarer's Rest for something to happen, you're likely not going to find much. However, if you're the outgoing and ambitious sort, you may just find a home here.

The best way to get started is to get out and meet new people. Try joining HordeOOC and introducing yourself to some of the folks in there. Events are another great way to meet people, and like Anainn said, there are plenty of events that go on during the week. Off the top of my head I know The Broken House hosts storytelling in Thunder Bluff every Sunday at 7pm. You should come by and say hello to all the cows (and blood elves)!

Finally, for casual RP guilds, you're in luck, as I see a bunch of them advertised everyday in GuildRecruitment. My own guild, <Order of Discord>, is one of them. We're a small group of friends who enjoy roleplaying, raiding, leveling, and chatting your ears off. Even if you're not sure about the guild, you're welcome to come hang out in our OOC channel for spontaneous discussion and drive-by RP.

Hope to see you around!
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85 Human Warrior
Slap the gnome who answered you first, and take Anainn and Calynia's advice for certain.

We have good RP, just have to look around for it.

Of course, it goes without saying. Effort = Result.
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85 Human Paladin
Alliance RP is really, really good right now. Horde RP has much to be desired.

But come on over, try it out.

At the very least, we have Ana, and she's cute.
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1 Human Paladin
01/31/2011 10:42 PMPosted by Gottfried
We have good RP, just have to look around for it.

You could also find a server where you don't have to look under rocks or ingratiate yourself into a clique to find RP that isn't fluff if you're lucky.

OP, shop around. You can do better.
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85 Night Elf Mage
01/31/2011 4:14 PMPosted by Anainn
I say this to everyone who has an interest in this server: Make a toon and try it out.

This is exactly what I did. And within the first day, I attended my very first RP event (which was NOT hidden under a rock), and met a lot of wonderful people. It's now five weeks later, and I love my new home on SoE.

I found a fantastic guild, and there are SEVERAL RP events each week Alliance side. These events are hosted by a nice variety of guilds/groups/people. They aren't 'hidden' or 'clique-like'. And at each event, I have seen new RPers being welcomed, not ignored.

It is an open community, not a clique.

Bottom line, you won't know until you try. So make a toon, join the public channels (Alliance side - Holylight and RPChatter), and come to an event or two.

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85 Human Paladin
01/31/2011 10:01 AMPosted by Esune
And what are some guilds I may want to look into if I do roll on Sisters of Elune?

My guild Horde side is pretty dead, and I don't know of too many active ones (Hand of the Sun?) - but Alliance side has some really good RP guilds: Renewal, Clockwerk, Underground Covenant, Flames of Lordaeron, Mighty Lionheart Clan, and Rangers of Alterac, and those are just the ones I've had represented at my weekly event (The Argent Scouts). I've seen more around.

So, give it a try. Our community isn't as large as others, but all RP servers have a lifespan for Boom and Bust, and ours has managed to outlast it.
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80 Blood Elf Priest
Okay I'll try it out. My friend is pretty dead set on rolling Horde side
though so I'll be looking for a good guild. Any more that you guys can recommend?
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100 Dwarf Paladin
I see people RPing from time to time when I fly around minding my own business. So yes, Alliance RP definitely exists.
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85 Draenei Shaman
01/31/2011 11:57 PMPosted by Hokujin

At the very least, we have Ana, and she's cute.

Aww, Hoku, you flatter me so!

As for horde guilds, you can try going to the unofficial forums for the roleplayers and ask around there. That would be the best place to start. Or ask Calynia, I'm sure she knows.

Best of luck to you!
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
First off, welcome to the server. I've been here since launch and it has become quite a different animal since then, as what often happens between expansions, people coming and going, and the business of every day life.

Secondly, I'd do the suggested above and make a character. Testing the waters is always a good idea, regardless of reputation or not. You might be surprised on what you discover.

My last suggestion is to join the RP forums: kindly run by Daphne and Ryllae. Some useful information there regarding events, guilds and such.

Hope you find what you're looking for, regardless.
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85 Draenei Warrior
Well I did make a Character for this server. I found Alli side more appealing after all my usual play as Horde. Better than The Scyers that's for sure.
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60 Blood Elf Death Knight
Not trying to hijack this thread, but are there any hordlings that can comment on the state of things on the server? I see Ellorah posted, just curious if there are any others:)

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85 Draenei Shaman

If you want to check the state of horde rp, try

That's where all the Horde side RPers tend to hide.

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60 Blood Elf Death Knight
Thanks much, will do!
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