Hawk's Story ( Video. Worgen starting area )

85 Human Paladin

I wanted to toss some voice acting into one of my videos and decided I'd make one with the Worgen starting area quests. This is part 1. Part two is mostly finished except for a few things I need to tweek before I'm happy enough with it to post it for the public.


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86 Human Paladin
It's all just Fraps recorded video from the Worgen starting zone, mixed with cut scenes as well.

The sound quality needs some work, it sounds like you re-recorded the dialogue by holding the mic up to the speakers. Lastly, I was hoping the story was going to be a little more personalized, talk about the character's family, trials and tribulations outside of what every Worgen already went through to get where they are.

But I commend you for effort.
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