<Crusade> <A> 2/13M Selling Carries

100 Night Elf Druid
<Crusade> Kel'Thuzad is offering Heroic Archimonde Kills every MONDAY!!

You can get your very own - Grove Warden for a limited time only!

Every Monday (7pm - 9pm MST)
7:00 pm - 2 spots
7:30 pm - 2 spots
8:00 pm - 2 spots
8:30 pm - 2 spots

Heroic Manny: 10k (PL)
Heroic Arch - 50k (PL)

Note: With loot being personal loot there is no 100% guarantee that loot will drop for you, however, you can always bring a re-roll and bonus it.

Interested? Post below or contact via website - www.crusadekt.com/sales // Marine4you#1870

** Only accepting gold on Kel'Thuzad, Battle pets are a great way to get gold to a new realm.
Edited by Willferrâll on 11/21/2015 8:21 PM PST
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Interested in buying a grove warden run.
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