This event is being reworked and will run again in the beginning of APRIL!
The Cenarion Circle Conference is both an event and a non-guild group that promotes druid themed roleplay headed by Lindiwe.
The group offers two events a month (one all race focused for general topics, and one Cenarion Druid only), and focuses on druid topics presented from a speaker (or speakers) in the community. These can range from classes, presentations on theories, basic skills workshops or demonstrations. After the presentation the audience is strongly encouraged to participate through questions for the presenter.
The host (Lindiwe) will then open the floor for druid related news and events (such as guild events, or RP), after which there is a meet and greet to make connections (both IC and OOC). The event relies highly on audience and community participation, and is a good chance for us more outgoing types to look for wallflowers during the meet and greet and try to encourage RP.
The Circle will meet the first Monday of each month in Hyjal (Unless a IRL or in-game holiday is in place, then the second Monday) at 7 WRA server time. The event is neutral, and translators will be provided.
Myself and a friend use a VoiP to translate the presenters words (and actions in some cases), and then type them in the chat for all of the opposite faction to see.
We have an event available for all races! The Cenarion Circle has a history of teaching their arts to a variety of races, wanting to expand their forces and allies. Our topics vary, and your IC or OOC knowledge shouldn’t affect your enjoyment of the event… there will be many people there who are willing to talk shop with anyone!
Yes please! Post here in the thread, contact me in-game (contacts are at the top), or message me on Bnet (please send me a message with who you are, or I may delete you!). The more I can focus on the organization of the event, and less on presenting topics, the better!
We will have a group set up on both Alliance and Horde side Group Finders called Cenarion Conference RP, this way you can join in. We will hopefully have a group up a half hour before start time.
Yes. We have our own (BRAND NEW) forums set up:
Here one can do a variety of things like make RP contacts, theorycraft, get the meeting and event transcripts, and get access to RP guides. We also want to start planning large scale events before Legion hits.
We also have a chat channel, /join circleooc, for communication during and after events.
Name: Cenarion Circle Conference
Neutral RP
The Cenarion Circle Conference is both an event and group that strives to create a community of druid themed RP.
Contact: (H) Lindiwe, (A) Kazandra, (Bent) spoonymog#1854
Channel: CircleOOC
Schedule of Events:
What is the Cenarion Circle Conference?
The Cenarion Circle Conference is both an event and a non-guild group that promotes druid themed roleplay headed by Lindiwe.
What happens at the event?
The group offers two events a month (one all race focused for general topics, and one Cenarion Druid only), and focuses on druid topics presented from a speaker (or speakers) in the community. These can range from classes, presentations on theories, basic skills workshops or demonstrations. After the presentation the audience is strongly encouraged to participate through questions for the presenter.
The host (Lindiwe) will then open the floor for druid related news and events (such as guild events, or RP), after which there is a meet and greet to make connections (both IC and OOC). The event relies highly on audience and community participation, and is a good chance for us more outgoing types to look for wallflowers during the meet and greet and try to encourage RP.
Where and when does this take place?
The Circle will meet the first Monday of each month in Hyjal (Unless a IRL or in-game holiday is in place, then the second Monday) at 7 WRA server time. The event is neutral, and translators will be provided.
How does the translation work?
Myself and a friend use a VoiP to translate the presenters words (and actions in some cases), and then type them in the chat for all of the opposite faction to see.
What if I am not a druid, but I want to attend?
We have an event available for all races! The Cenarion Circle has a history of teaching their arts to a variety of races, wanting to expand their forces and allies. Our topics vary, and your IC or OOC knowledge shouldn’t affect your enjoyment of the event… there will be many people there who are willing to talk shop with anyone!
Can I present?
Yes please! Post here in the thread, contact me in-game (contacts are at the top), or message me on Bnet (please send me a message with who you are, or I may delete you!). The more I can focus on the organization of the event, and less on presenting topics, the better!
What if I am off server?
We will have a group set up on both Alliance and Horde side Group Finders called Cenarion Conference RP, this way you can join in. We will hopefully have a group up a half hour before start time.
Are there other resources available?
Yes. We have our own (BRAND NEW) forums set up:
Here one can do a variety of things like make RP contacts, theorycraft, get the meeting and event transcripts, and get access to RP guides. We also want to start planning large scale events before Legion hits.
We also have a chat channel, /join circleooc, for communication during and after events.
Edited by Lindiwe on 3/17/2016 11:20 AM PDT