[H] WTB complete Bloodied Wyrmhide set

90 Tauren Druid
Hello there.

Edit: I am now purchasing individual pieces for 320g (or 200g w/ my volatiles). I still need Head, Chest, Bracers, Gloves, Belt, and Pants. Use CoD or contact me in-game.

I am looking to purchase a complete Bloodied Wyrmhide set.

I will pay 400g per piece, but if you present me with a complete set of 8 I will pay 4000g flat for the set rather than 3200g for the 8 pieces.

Alternatively, we can work out arrangements where I can provide the Volatiles and you provide the leather to craft the pieces. My only problem is that my up-and-comming skinner/leatherworker is level 40 and thus, sadly, unable to farm the needed Savage Leather.

Contact me in-game via whispers or mail if you're interested.
Edited by Surehoof on 2/10/2011 3:40 PM PST
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90 Tauren Druid
It bears noting that if you just C.O.D. me the entire set w/ a 4000g price tag, I will accept the C.O.D.

If you send me a C.O.D. of only a few pieces for 400g each, I will accept after 5 days have passed, as I will be holding out for finding a complete set.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
That's a pretty good deal. Too bad my Rogue's skinning outpaced his leatherworking, or I would try to make it myself for you. :P
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90 Tauren Druid
Oweing to the fact that I have now purchased both shoulders and boots from the auction house when I discovered them for cheap, I am no longer purchasing the complete set.

I am still interested in the other pieces!

I will pay 320g per piece, or if you wish I will provide the volatiles and pay 200g for your leather.
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