Discipline Priest LF Raid Team

85 Draenei Priest
Hello all. Amura here. I am currently looking for a guild and raiding team to heal in. Preferably ten man. My work schedule has made it challenging for me to find a team that raids at times that work for me. I am available 3-9pm server during weekdays and pretty much any time on weekends.

I am a very dependable healer and know my class well. I am very raid aware and attentive. My gear is mainly heroic level with a few epic pieces. I currently have an average item level of 350. I try my best to be a helpful player both inside and outside of the raid environment. I am currently on the Alliance side, but willing to switch to Horde if need be.

This is sort of my last attempt at finding a raid team that fits my schedule before I maybe try finding a new server. If any of you out there are interested please reply to this thread or find me in-game on Amura or my hunter, Vannethia.

Thank you all for your time.
Edited by Amura on 2/3/2011 5:12 AM PST
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85 Worgen Mage
Amura rawks! Don't let her slip through the cracks!
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94 Night Elf Priest
Amura's pretty amazing if I remember right :P I second what Opollo says... don't hesistate if you have an open raid spot for the times she can make!!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
02/03/2011 5:27 AMPosted by Opollo
Amura rawks! Don't let her slip through the cracks!

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85 Dwarf Shaman
We just recently (this week) built up two raid groups since scattered attendance and mish-mash groups really hindered our progress - and it has proved really beneficial. I really don't know the recruitment situation or what all Group 1/2 needs, but of what I can tell both groups need consistent, quality, and capable players. We're lax with life/work interference so raiding when able is fine.

I can't promise we're recruiting, that you'll even fit in (we !%%* around, are really social, etc.), or that our times will fit you (7~9/10sh).

Message Serpies if interested.
Edited by Ahai on 2/13/2011 5:34 PM PST
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