[A] Sacred Recruiting for 10/25 man raiding.

85 Human Warrior
Hello all,

Firstly; I’d like to state that I am not an officer, nor a representative of the guild leadership for Sacred. I am a member, and I am a raid leader. Politics aren’t my thing. Raids are and I’m looking for raiders.

I’m looking for a few people that fit with our social dynamic and possess reasonable motor skills (out of the goo please).

Specifically I am looking for the following though any may apply:

1 melee dps
1 ranged dps
1 (maybe 2) healers

I’m looking for the following type of person:

1. A team oriented player that understands the good of the whole improves you. Players solely loot driven, inherently selfish or looking to be carried, please don’t apply.
2. Follows instruction well and can react to change quickly. Raid encounters during progression are pretty unforgiving. In 10 man everyone needs to be able to fulfil their role while dodging the goo.
3. Self sufficient. The guild organizes raids. Many members run heroics and battlegrounds. While this is encouraged, it is not a mandate of the guild to organize them.
4. Have thick skin. If you screw up, you screw up. A raid leader may tell you that you screwed up. Take it for what it is. Constructive criticism. If you are going to gquit the first time someone yells at you, you might as well not apply.

Raid times are as follows. There is no minimum on raid attendance HOWEVER those who are more reliable are often given preference. Just because you are in the guild, your spot will only be secured through your own actions. Reliability, competence and persistence will go a long way to that end.

Tuesday 6pm-9pm (10 man raiding) Guild run
Thursday 6pm-9pm (10 man raiding) Guild run
Saturday 7pm-10pm (25 man raiding) Multiple guild venture
Sunday 3pm-6pm (25 man raiding) Multiple guild venture

All times are in Server Time.

Loot distribution is random rolls with preference to your raid role (main spec). We do not run an EPGP or similar system.

The current progression:

Valiona / Theralion and Halfus have been killed on 10 / 25 respectively in multi-guild ventures. Guild runs have only begun this week to most is progression right now. I am pretty much hand picking a team out of guildies / recruits so if you’re good and reliable, you’ll be on the progression team pretty much right away. Others will get their chance after the fact during farming runs.

Please contact myself or the guild leadership to apply (Watusie or Khyron) either in game or by in game mail.
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100 Orc Hunter
Bump for Rende- He is a very capable raid leader and a great guy to raid with. Even if you aren't looking for a guild at the moment, I highly recommend checking out the weekend 25 man.
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85 Night Elf Mage
Bump for a very capable raid leader. As the post above me said if you don't want to join a guild but raid, Rende's group is always recommended.
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