[A] Holy pally & lock LF good DK for 3s

Word on the street is that the DK/Lock/Pally will totally own 3s after the next patch. We are looking for a decent DK to join us in our quest for world domination. Send a tell to me, Tessalina (the lock), or One (the pally) in game if you're interested!

On a related note, I am the GM of the "Raiders of the Lost Rum". The Raiders are currently a (very) small, close-knit group of friendly folks who love to PvP. We are looking to meet like-minded people to do BGs and arenas with and expand our guild.

If interested, check out our website at http://rum.guildtag.com/ and send me a message in game.
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85 Human Rogue
Major bump for Tessa and One! Solid players, but more importantly, really solid people too.

Also, Tessa is extremely entertaining to listen to on vent--particularly when @#$% gets real during a close arena match. :) She's right about the comp too: this is going to be a crazy strong combo come the patch. Get in while you can!
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