Trading Darkmoon Cards - Cataclysm

80 Blood Elf Death Knight
Briefly, some friends and I are putting together decks to use and we have quite a few "extras" that we would like to trade to complete the ones we are working on. Details of what we have extra and what we are looking for follow. Pls contact me in-game or reply to this thread if you have cards to trade. Also, feel-free to post too what you want and have extra. :-)

FACTION : Horde (Can Move Cards to Alli Side Easily)

WANT : Embers - Ace
Winds - 4, 5
Waves - 2, 3, 8

EXTRA : Embers - 5, 7, 8
Winds - Ace, 3, 6, 7, 8
Waves - Ace, 4, 6

[Feb6 : Removed 3 of Embers]
[Feb8 : Updated Waves Cards]
Edited by Theophilus on 2/8/2011 6:31 AM PST
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85 Human Mage
I'll trade you a 3 of Embers for an 8.
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80 Blood Elf Death Knight

I have moved card to SW and sent in-game mail to arrange contact. You can respond here as well.

[edit for card movement]
Edited by Theophilus on 2/6/2011 1:14 PM PST
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85 Human Mage
I'm online and would like to make the trade ASAP. :)
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80 Blood Elf Death Knight
We are in the hunt for Waves cards now.
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