And my entire guild is gone!

I are need helps.
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85 Gnome Mage
*dusts off avatar*

Velleri! I must report to my favorite moo-cow that you've been spotted. I'm glad to see you back, though I wish I could say the same for myself.

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But there you is! I see you and everthing!
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Found old friends! This is good, because I have been out for a year....So much has changed, I am still a bit freaked out! I guess servers change, but you don't notice it much as you live it, but leave and return and it is very obvious something has really changed! I am not sure if it is for the better or....

So catch me up peoples! What have you all been up to?
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85 Draenei Shaman
I recently came back to WoW after a year hiatus to run off and play the super pretty Aion. Well, recently as in September, October, or some month in there after I quit Aion. Anywho, I was happy to be back, despite finding that my previous guild had evaporated. I have been enjoying it though. RP, though not a numerous in quantity before I left,is way better in quality in my opinion. As for raiding guilds, haven't touched'em since I've never really raided. Definitely looking forward to doing so though now that I'm back!

But a pleasure to meet you! Welcome back!

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85 Tauren Druid
VELL!!! :D (I finally remembered to bring my authenticator with me to work)


I tried emailing you the other day to the only email of yours I have but no luck... knowing goggle I got junk mailed again. >.<
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85 Undead Mage
Welcome back, ginger snack.

*Ruffles through some pages.*

Oh, wait, you're on my "Do not eat" list.

Welcome back, esteemed mage.
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*charge fast* *huggles*

I misseded you!

And Meteorus, thank you for taking me off your list of snacks! Tell Atepa how much healthier and happier he would be on a no Velleri diet! I poked him in the belly once....yeah, quite squishy!

*acts natural*
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85 Gnome Mage
I sent you my e-mail addy in case you want to catch up on shtuff. So you'd like, have, mail in your mail. Or something.
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85 Tauren Druid

*charge fast* *huggles*

I misseded you!

*is attacked*

02/11/2011 4:46 PMPosted by Nozz
I sent you my e-mail addy in case you want to catch up on shtuff. So you'd like, have, mail in your mail. Or something.

she should have two.... but then my email tends to get sent to the spam folders all the time :(
Edited by Atepa on 2/14/2011 3:39 AM PST
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Ok, has Nozz's email. I promise to mark any and all por...err I mean adult content!
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85 Gnome Mage
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85 Tauren Druid
Hrmm... Maybe I had the wrong email addy... Nozz!! Connect ze dots for us? Please? *offers gnomecookie*
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80 Draenei Paladin
Hey Vell, good to see you relapse. :P
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Toluu! I have not seen you in forever! You know.....I really missed your antics when I left Shadow of the Moon!!! You are still among my very favorite role players, EVER. Gosh I miss you. Thanks for the warm welcome!

*glomps on ankles and huggles*
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85 Draenei Paladin
I remember you! :) A couple more of your old friends are still around -- we'll be in touch in-game.
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Aaak, I got Toluu mixed up with someone else. Still luv ya though Toluu!

*skidders off to find the other Tollu that is not really Toluu*
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Has I got a deal for you!

*holds up stack of goretusk bellies*
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85 Troll Shaman
The same thing happened to me.
My guild disappeared after I took a two year break.
then Diåtribe took me in.
unfortunately... all we do is say funny things in guild chat and occasionally run a WotLK heroic. We haven't done any cata rocis.
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