[A] <Sacrosanct> is recruiting a rogue!

89 Human Death Knight
Heya all, we at Sacrosanct are looking for a skilled and experienced rogue to fill out our last dps slot for our 10 man raid progression group! Our raid times are Tues/weds/thurs from 5pm - 8:30pm server. We are currently 6/12 so being familiar with the first few encounters of Blackwing Decent and Bastion of Twilight is a plus as well as having appropriate gear level for those raids.

Some things we look for in a raider. reliability, including a dependable internet connection and personal punctuality, ie.. showing up on time consistently. Preparedness, showing up with consumables for 3.5 hours worth or raiding as well as knowing encounters improving your raid awareness. Maturity. and enjoying long walks on the coast of Tanaris.

Feel free to contact someone in game or send us a message on our forums!


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85 Dwarf Warrior
You don't even need to come in know all the fights at all the angles. We mainly want someone who..

1) Has a RELIABLE internet connection.
2) Has gear for beginning raiding (pretty much a full 346 set).
3) Doesn't stand in fire.

I was supposed to be taking this dps spot myself, and I have been, but we got our MT whose computer exploded and won't be back in action for quite some time, so yes, I am having to tank, and it makes me sad.
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85 Night Elf Druid
The only fire standing allowed is when Deathwing flies over your head and you begin to feel your impending doom.
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