Going back home.

85 Human Mage
Met some great people, you know who you are, but this server hasn't really worked out like I hoped it would, and the RL friend I came here to play with has reduced playtime sharply. I thank those of you who made this month and a half much more enjoyable than it could have been, <Clockwerk> especially; I'll be transferring back to my original server once I get my affairs properly in order here, few hours to a few days depending on how the stars align.

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85 Tauren Priest
You tease.
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85 Human Mage
02/06/2011 5:10 PMPosted by Holyjob
You tease.

You were a huge part of me not wanting to leave. -hugs-

Thanks for being so cool. Hopefully I'll have a chance to face you guys in Rated BG again, there's a guild over here that's offering me a spot.
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85 Gnome Mage
And I'm moved. If you want to catch up with me, this is the name to use. <3
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85 Tauren Priest
You stole my old guild name, you bastage!
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85 Night Elf Mage
I miss you already :(

But I do wish you lots of luck, and I hope you find what you're looking for.
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30 Worgen Mage
I didn't get a chance to know you very well, but your "chicken chaser" comment over the dead blood elf's body at the last inspection tour will always make me laugh.

Best of luck!
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