[A] Rogue looking for 2s/3s partner(s)

85 Human Rogue
My 2s partner, while a great guy, has faded out of Arenas to focus entirely on PvE. I, on the other hand, would rather focus entirely on PvP. :)

Me: experienced (1800), emotionally stable, love arena strategy and improving my game, want to push rating as high as possible and play as many matches as you can stomach, evenings (9pm ST) player.

You: the same! :) Looking for a mage/priest/druid/shammy for 2s, and a viable comp for 3s (RRP, RMP, RMD, RLD, RLS, etc). Please be capable of at least 1700+, and hungry to improve!

Drop me a line here or in-game. Thanks! :)

EDIT: to clarify.
Edited by Fitzcairn on 2/7/2011 10:15 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Come horde.

That is all.

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85 Human Rogue
Haha sorry, going to stay Ally for now. :)
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85 Human Rogue
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86 Human Paladin
I'd be down for a 3's team if you know a good healer. Was up to 1980 in 3's as ret/arms/disc when I played with a couple friends for fun back in like Season 8. Would like to see how high I can push the rating if I actually tried to play a bit more competitively and not just for points.
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85 Human Rogue
I'd be down for a 3's team if you know a good healer. Was up to 1980 in 3's as ret/arms/disc when I played with a couple friends for fun back in like Season 8. Would like to see how high I can push the rating if I actually tried to play a bit more competitively and not just for points.

Thanks for the offer! Yeah, I'm thinking Rogue-Ret-Priest would be fairly competitive given how ret looks in 4.0.6.

...Now to find that priest. :) Or any of the other classes listed above. Still looking for at least one partner.
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85 Night Elf Druid
I'm lookin' for a 2s team.
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85 Human Rogue
02/12/2011 6:46 AMPosted by Llaendrew
I'm lookin' for a 2s team.

Thanks for the response, I'll look for you online.
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