
85 Goblin Hunter
Bungiebee, horde, warlock. Ninja'd 3 items in a dungeon, im just letting you know about this, i can't stand ninjas and i cant fin a dedicated thread to ninjas on your forums
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85 Dwarf Warrior
What did he ninja, and how? Did someone change the loot to be Group Loot so that everyone could roll on everything? Should have gone with Need Before Greed.

I see he looted robes, an offhand, leather shoulders, and an agi dagger.

Still begs the questing as to how it was possible for him to have done it unless loot was set to Group Loot, which it never should be in a pug.
Edited by Paranitis on 2/7/2011 4:56 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Priest
I don't think it's possible to switch out of need before greed in a LFD pug.
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100 Orc Warrior
Hitting need on everything you can conceivably hit need on in a run is occasionally referred to as being a "ninja".
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Meh, they were also level 41, so it's not like it really matters quite yet.
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02/07/2011 7:30 PMPosted by Paranitis
Meh, they were also level 41, so it's not like it really matters quite yet.
It matters. Being a jerk is being a jerk, no matter your level.
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