New to the server, hi!

7 Worgen Hunter
Hello, starting last night me and my girlfriend rolled up characters on this server. We both have multiple 85s on a PVE server but wanted to give the RP aspect a try. Are there any guilds that are social and accepting lowbies that do have an idea of what's going on with the game or anything? Also how's the economy ally side here. (Haven't gotten out of Gilnaes as we only played for a bit last night so haven't gotten to check yet.) Any responses would be appreciated.
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85 Draenei Warrior
There are a lot of good guilds on this server. Depending on how deep you want to get into it you may want to /who for Clockwerk, Renewal, or Rangers of Alterac and whisper the people that come up. Talk to people and shop around a bit. Lots of variety here Alliance side.
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7 Worgen Hunter
Good to hear! We just want a place to hang out with decent people and enjoy a little RP. Not wanting any hand outs (gonna be making a DK just to farm to get us bags lol)
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100 Human Priest
I dont rp but Felfire Coven is the most rp rp guild that I know of with guild chat being in character.

I do not rp but if there is anything you need help with in game do not hesitate to ask. My avatar has a sour puss but will gladly provide you with any alchemist services( except cooldowns) free of charge.

And a hearty welcome to SOE ! dont mind the trade trolls they do that all the time.
Edited by Perecallahan on 2/8/2011 7:42 AM PST
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7 Worgen Hunter
Heh, trade trolls can't be that bad, after all I hail from Gnomeregan and it can get pretty bad over there. :D
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85 Draenei Shaman
Hey there! Welcome to Sisters! As the unofficial rep for Renewal, I'd like to give you some information about since since Moredekai has so kindly mentioned us!

For the sake of consistency, we'll start with three:

For PvE, we are currently working on doing guild roics! We do these as often as possible, with the hopes of eventually doing raids!

For PvP, there's a few of us who do rated BGs with a group of others, and we'd be more than happy to have more.

And, most importantly, RP. We do a few events a week, the most notable being the Song and Tankard tavern hosted by Zenruid and happens on Mondays. Argent Scouts, hosted by coolest Paladin ever, Hokujin, is a fun and adventuresome RP event that goes on Fridays.

Feel free to contact me in game on either Anainn or Jemmabink, or any of our officers: Vicarnox, Maryla, Kaiderra, and Zenruid.
Edited by Anainn on 2/8/2011 9:13 AM PST
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Look, it's Anainn. Isn't she just too cute? *stalks*
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*waves* I am sort of new to here too! Well...not really, but sort of! I remember a long time ago Shadow of the Moon was a super helpful guild for leveling as well as some role play. I have only been back a couple of days, and leveling my druid to 85 before leveling me! The mage. So far everyone has been as helpful and kind as I remember them. Just do a /who Shadow of the Moon and talk to whoever, they are all nice.
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