Couple of Chaps LFG (H)

85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Hey SoE,

Myself and a prot/holy pally are looking for a home, we are fairly casual, but serious players and are therefore looking for a guild where we can fill raid spots as required, rather than a permanent slot.

Happy to run Heroics etc, and if folks can post general iLvl and any DPS requirements, that can help us in gearing up.

Thanks all.

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So what you're saying is.....

You're a couple of guys, up to no good, trying to make trouble in my neighborhood.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
They got in one lil' fight and Garrosh got scared!

He said "You're moving with Thrall to the depths of the earth!"


I blame Jungler.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
You should check out cry of luna. We have a progression thread on these forums but we have TONS of players that are just fill ins ( currently I am included in that ). We do heroics every day without fail, and every now and then we go do fun runs in like icc, or uluar stuff like that. We are laid back , and have a ton o fun.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
02/09/2011 3:38 AMPosted by Jungler
You're a couple of guys, up to no good, trying to make trouble in my neighborhood.

Summin' like that ;)

85 Blood Elf Hunter
Cry of Luna
You should check out cry of luna. We have a progression thread on these forums but we have TONS of players that are just fill ins ( currently I am included in that ). We do heroics every day without fail, and every now and then we go do fun runs in like icc, or uluar stuff like that. We are laid back , and have a ton o fun.

Will do, we both have families etc and can't commit to a regular raiding schedule, but we do our research and come prepared, even if it's youtubes of the fights
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