02/17/2011 8:23 AMPosted by Dartaneoni was under the impression that the phone in authenticator works by recognizing what IP address you normally use, then requires authentication when using a different one. So, wouldn't that be pretty darn secure short of someone logging onto my account from my computer?
It should be quite secure. I believe it's very difficult at best to spoof an IP address to Blizzard's servers.
If you're on a local network, though--especially a wireless network--there is the possibility a roommate, neighbor, or a stranger that comes near your residence could easily spoof your IP address.
Also, your ISP (Internet Server Provider) may change your IP address from time to time.
Lastly, if you ever travel and your phone's battery is low for whatever reason, or you haven't updated your phone number on record after changing it, you will not have legitimate access to your account until you've gone through whatever reset procedure Blizzard uses.