Hellions (H) recruiting for Raids/PVP/etc!

85 Orc Warrior
Hello! Hellions is looking for a few dedicated players to join us in our raiding and PVP adventures!

Who are the Hellions? We are a medium-sized Horde guild comprised mainly of mature, competent players. Hellions has been around since BC (around 3 years now). We raided 10/25man heroics in WOTLK, and have continued into Cataclysm raiding 10man content and are looking to expand our raiding and also into the realm of rated BGs and other PVP. We aren't a "hardcore" raiding guild in terms of time commitment, but we get a lot done in a little time.

Why choose Hellions?
Talented raiders (our 10man was among the top on Horde side for most of LK, currently 10/12 in Cata and looking towards end bosses/heroic modes).
Minimal drama (as long as you learn to ignore Crinx).
Helpful members who are willing to help out with crafting, heroics, improving your game, and lots of other things.
And most importantly, there are some cool people to hang out with.

What are we looking for? In general, members who are respectful of others, committed to improving themselves as WoW players, and willing to work as a team. Obviously, being good at your class helps.

We are looking specifically for the following people:

Healers - Looking for a great resto shammy (or maybe holy pally) for our established raid - We run Thurs at 4:30pm and Sunday at 10am for about 3 hours each. Experience on early bosses in each raid a plus, as we are currently working on end bosses in each raid.

Trang/Chaotik (who is leading our new raid on Wednesday nights at 6pm) is also looking for a talented caster dps for a full-time spot.

PVPers of any class/spec may also apply, as we are trying to grow our rated BG teams and Arenas.

Other dps, healers and tanks feel free to apply, although melee dps is probably less likely to see an open raid spot unless you are super awesome or can tank. Exceptional players are always welcome!

Sounds awesome, how do we contact you?
In game, you can find one of our officers (Kardalys or Acception) online. You can also talk to Trang with questions about his new 10man. Finally, you can visit our forums to ask any questions or fill out an application at http://hellions.guildlaunch.com/forums/index.php?gid=165521

Thanks for taking the time to read this, hope to see you in game!
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85 Troll Shaman
Still on the prowl for a Caster DPS, raiding tonight at 6 server, If i am not on trang you can /who hellions i may be on Chaotik, or Kåotik.
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85 Goblin Death Knight
Also I'd like to point out I know Kardalys mentioned us for PvP. We're growing in our rated BGs, yet we've not set a date / time in stone.

Trang and Kardalys lead the raid groups, and I lead in other PvP aspects. Contact me if you'd like some more information on the PvP topic.
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85 Troll Shaman
I am also looking for a Pally/Priest healer, we have one healer that may not be able to make all of our raids, so looking for a replacement either part time or full time healer. Our raid nights are Wed, and Monday currently 6-8 server.
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85 Orc Hunter
I'm also looking for a friend. Preferably a pally or shaman healer, but any friend will do. Whisper me ingame!
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85 Goblin Death Knight
If you join you get to hear about BIGGG DEATHSTRIKES! By your
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