Lf raids Mon- wed that end before midnight

85 Blood Elf Hunter
Ok so the title is pretty straight up. I am huilded and WILL NOT change guilds however due to life and work schedule changes raiding till 2am with my guild is virtually impossible for me atm so here is the deal.....

I am a surv / MM hunter whos been raiding since 40 man mc
I have expirience with the cata content ( i did a few raids on my healer before time was a issue)
I am consistantly 11k or better in dps
I am reliable, always early, come prepared and informed
I do have a ele / resto shammy nearly 85 with epics waiting.
I would like to be a stand in pug
This means u dont poach me from Luna ( cause I wont go :P) but I raid with your grp / guild regularly. I did this back with icc and it worked beautifully. If your guild needs a fill in I am usually online :)

Look for me under Linndrah, Elysah, Leighah, Hathorah, or Adysah
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90 Troll Druid
Linn is awesome and would be a valuable addition to any raid team. We just run too late for her atm. But life happens and it shouldn't interfere with your raiding!

If you're looking for a competent, high-quality DPS, she's your gal. ^^
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