H-Level 14 <Doomtidings> Now Recruiting

94 Orc Hunter
Doomtidings is a team-based progression raiding guild for highly active and mature Raiding Mains.

Our guild is a community first. In fact, we often refer to ourselves as a "Raid Community". The emphasis is on the word "Community". That means our concern is people come first. We are fully aware of the fact that raiding is a much more pleasant experience when everyone gets along.

We are also very raid progression oriented, and have a number of rules in place that are intended to help us progress in raids successfully. We are one of only six Horde guilds on this server that killed the Lich King in a 25 man guild raid before Cataclysm.

Our guild has a mature atmosphere, and we are committed to keeping it that way. One of our most important philophies is "Be understanding of real life. It's just a game." When it comes to kids, family, real life stuff, we expect every member to be understanding of things that may come up.

That said, we expect an honest commitment to raiding. We are, afterall, a raid community. We are extremely team oriented and value members who are consistent, punctual, and courteous to others.

A prospective member MUST have an interest in raiding in order to join. That doesn't mean we don't PvP, have some light RP, or participate in other events. Our primary guild purpose is ....raiding.

We are also gearing towards the expansion's concepts of Guild Progression/Leveling. This means that we are pretty old school about things. We raid together, we don't sell to one another, and we give without expectation. Mercenary behaviour or casual PuG attitudes are simply unwelcome.

We are very active and very tight knit, so expect to be participatory MORE THAN YOU HAVE EVER BEEN IN ANY OTHER GUILD.

If you want to run as a team, progressing through content, then we are the place for you.

Here's a brief rundown of the guild:

- Highly selective admission process, limited recruitment. Roster is slotted and capped.
- Active players. Our roster is managed with an eye towards the number of people online.
(An activity policy is in place. )
- High participation requirement with a team emphasis.
- A membership of people who possess moral character, personality, and a sense of humor.
(In the south, they call us "good people". If you don't have trust, you don't have anything here.)
- An end-game community, with a focus on PvE and Raiding
- Raiding guild without the elitist raider attitudes.

Currently our raiding nights are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Our Eastside Raid Group starts at 5pm, Westside starts at 7pm and Late Night starts at 8:30pm. Raid durations vary, but are capped at three hours maximum each night. All times listed are server time (Pacific Time Zone).

For more information about our guild, please visit our main page at http://doomtidings.guildportal.com
If you are interested in joining, please read the post entitled "How to register and apply" in our Forums.
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100 Troll Warlock
Do eeet!
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90 Orc Death Knight
If you are still leveling up or are looking for a more casual guild, Doomwolf Clan is lots of fun as well! We are level 12 and growing fast. We share a lot with Doomtidings including our RP events, Guild Faires, vent, website, chat channel and more. Apply to the same site listed above and put that you are looking for Doomwolf Clan instead. Anyone level 10 and up are welcome!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

(Now a lvl 16 guild)

For an update, we currently have two raid teams just about in place, and are looking to build a third at the 7pm time slot. Druids and Priests are especially encouraged to apply. We're pretty full on hunters, mages, and paladins at the moment, but are still accepting applications from all classes.

Once again, to apply please visit: www.doomtidings.guildportal.com
Edited by Nerathil on 2/20/2011 11:17 PM PST
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