Hello Alliance players of Sisters of Elune! Let me introduce myself.

I am Stereodeath, formerly of a realm called Akama. I, along with many from my guild on that realm, decided around the launch of Cataclysm to relocate. After months of investigating this realm, I came to enjoy the community very much. And when Cataclysm finally dropped, we made that move here.

I must admit, it is a very different community from the one I came from. Akama is a PVP server, this is an RP server. Unwritten rules of ettiquette seem to be very different here, and so I have learned more and more about these things since coming here. Please excuse me for any prior ignorance of your ways, as I meant no offence.

Anyways. my guild, Shadow of the Dragon, we are simply looking to recruit decent people into our fold. We have always been a family oriented guild, based on casual play. You play the game the way you want to, and we are ok with that. We do not discriminate based on your race, class, or level. We accept all, because we know that loyalty begins at the earliest of stages, and this gives us more time to get comfortable with our newest comrades.

As of right now, we are still in our humble beginings. Cataclysm has in fact made it a little more difficult to recruit for guilds, and the Guild Recruit interface has still not been implemented. With other guilds blazing into the leveling spectrum, we have unfortunately fallen behind from these perks, based on the fact that most players are looking for a guild to serve "them". We are looking for players who want to contribute, and be apart of the guild, rather than just a mooch. In return, we are here to help you through direct action, not to hold your hand, but to guide you, t get to know you, and to simply have fun playing with you. We desire your social interaction!

So if you have read this far, and like what you are hearing, and would like to try our small yet friendly guild, please contact me in game. You may also contact anyone who is currently online from guild at that moment for an invite. But please be aware, that we are just growing! We ask for your patience, and would even ask for your help in growing our brigade. So if you want a laid back, casual, friendly family oriented guild environment, Shadow of the Dragon is for you.

"Everyone casts a shadow, but few cast the shadow of a dragon."