Horde - Reverence - A New Raid Guild

85 Tauren Warrior
What is Reverence?

Reverence is a "Semi" Hardcore raiding guild. What that essentially means is that we do not raid ourselves to death but when we do raid we raid well. We are looking to be a small tight community of like minded raiders who want to log on, kill bosses, and have fun doing it.

Reverence is currently in open recruitment but slots are still very limited. We plan to start as just a single 10 man raiding group so we do not plan to recruit more than 12-15 players max at this time. If you are looking for a small guild that likes raiding with the same people then Reverence may be for you.

What do we Stand For?

Reverence is a guild that demands respect through actions. We work together as a team to be an elite force regardless of how many players we have. We strive to be the best at what we do whether that is PvE or PvP.

Reverence also demands respect from our members. We pride ourselves on having a good reputation on whatever server we play on. We have been called many things in the past, but disrespectful and childish are not those. We gain respect by respecting others and that begins at the top down. Reverence is run as an authoritarian guild, in that the leaders of the guild have full authority of the guild. While we always appreciate the input of our members true Democratic guilds are a recipe for disaster and we try to avoid disaster's at all cost.

That being said, We are not a family friendly guild. Expect cursing, berating, crude humor, and generally bar room banter within our Ventrilo and guild chat. If you want your 10 year old to play beside you, Reverence is probably not for you.

What do we raid?

Currently Reverence is only going to be hitting 10 mans and with only one 10 man group. If you are looking to get in on the main 10 man group of a raid then Reverence may be for you.

We also offer an earlier raid start time for people not on the West Coast. Currently our raid schedule will be:

Sunday: 4:30 - 7:30 Server Time (Main Raid Day)
Thursday: 4:30 - 7:30 Server Time (Main Raid Day)
Saturday: 10:00 - 1:00 Server Time (Alt Raid day when raids are on Farm)

We stick to our raiding times pretty closely so when we say 4:30 start that means we start pulling at 4:30 and when we say ending at 7:30 that means we end at 7:30 (unless the raid opts to keep going).

Ventrilo is REQUIRED to raid with Reverence. You must be able to both hear AND speak on Ventrilo as there are times that even the quietest vent person needs to tell us that they screwed up and are about to wipe us.

How to Apply:

Because we are looking for such a small dedicated force we are searching for very specific classes and specs. We are also searching for people who know how to play WoW and how to play their classes right. Here is a breakdown of what we are currently recruiting:

(Note: The spec listed first should be your MAIN spec**)

    1 Fury/Prot Warrior
    1 Resto/Balance Druid
    1 Holy/Prot Paladin
    1 Holy/Ret Paladin
    1 Marks/Survival Hunter
    1 Holy/Shadow Priest
    1 Whatever/Blood Death Knight
    1 Elemental/Resto Shaman
    1 Fire/Whatever Mage
    1 Dest/Demo Warlock

We will accept any ilvl above 329**

**We understand that the quality of the player is much more important than the quality of his or her gear so if you believe that you are the best thing to hit MMO's since Fires of Heaven then please apply and come tell me how amazing you are and why you should be in Reverence.

You can apply at:


or contact Trevalon or Archangael in-game for more information.

We look forward to putting together a great 10 man to dominate any cataclysm raid that Blizzard can create.

Edited by Trevalon on 2/16/2011 8:28 PM PST
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85 Tauren Warrior
Still looking for good players!
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