[A] Divine Despair - raiding / twinking guild

60 Human Paladin
We are currently looking for more members for the guild so we might in hopes once again start raiding places such as MC, BWL or even AQ40 we currently have enough that we are clearing AQ10 twice a week (had it cleared pre-nerf as well) but we are looking for more so if you are interested send me an in-game mail or send an in-game mail to Shiritaki.

Remember we are mainly aiming towards raiding but we do quite a bit of PvP as well.

Hopefully there are enough who would like to have a challenge from old world raids and we are so far the few.
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60 Draenei Death Knight
Old world content doesn't seem like much of a challenge if you're using Wrath of the Lich King enchants and gems. Not to mention the talent trees have been significantly improved upon since the day of vanilla raids, making those low level places even more trivial.
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60 Human Paladin
We may be using them but at the same time we are also making adjustments for example we only take 6 to AQ10 so it is more of a challenge. Just because we have abilities to make things easier doesn't mean we do things easier we do our best to ensure a good challenge in every raid.
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