{H} Wilderness Stalkers - Recruiting

85 Troll Mage
Hello and good morning...afternoon... whatever seems appropriate for the time you are reading this!

Wilderness Stalkers is currently recruiting to fill out our 2nd 10 man raid group. We're currently 6/12 (7th ranked in progression on horde) and looking to form a 2nd group to gear up and start up our 25 man raids. Our raid times are from 5:15pm till 8pm server, 2 nights a week, currently Thurs/Sun, but depending on what works best for the overall majority, these days can be flexible. That said, we are accepting all classes / pve specs for the raid slots, and would PREFER:

1 Pally tank or Druid tank, a dps offspec is a plus
2 healers - Pally, druid, or shaman
3-4 dps - Pretty flexible here, will depend more on player skill and group synergy

You can apply at http://wildernessstalkers.guildlaunch.com/index.php?gid=134988

Please feel free to whisper Malakii, Erinia, or myself for more information.

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85 Orc Death Knight
I thought I'd introduce myself and tell you a little bit more about Wilderness Stalkers.

I'm Erinia and I'm the recruitment officer for the guild. WS is a level 15 guild currently, so we have a number of nice perks including the ever wonderful Hasty Hearth.

WS is a medium size guild with less than 100 accounts;therefore, we are more like a family. This means we help each other out and generally have a lot of fun together. Our guild chat is pretty active and we usually always have other members online; no matter the time of day (or night).

I guess if you need to know the age of members, most of us are over 18, have jobs or go to school and are mostly mature. Okay, granted, I do make a lot of cracks in my search for the pink love rocket that drops from the holiday boss.

Don't want to raid? No problem! We are also looking for some PvP minded individuals for rated battleground and arenas. While that is not quite off the ground yet, we are hoping it will be soon...but we'll need a few more PvP'ers.

We also wouldn't mind a few more casual/social players to add to our ranks to to liven things up a bit more!

Anyway, if you are looking for a home, Wilderness Stalkers is a fine place to be. Feel free to contact me in game through whispers or in-game mail or at ladyerinia@gmail.com or on twitter as ladyerinia
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Wildernessssss Ssstalkersss or Die, yesss!
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85 Orc Death Knight
Really a great guild! If the raid times worked out for me, I'd still be with them.
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85 Orc Death Knight
Remember, we are looking for all classes and specs.

If you aren't level 85 yet, that's okay!

New level 85 and need some help to gear up for heroics, it won't be a problem!

We are a helpful and friendly bunch!
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85 Orc Death Knight
Do you have a healing spec? Interested in raiding?

Want to learn more about us? Post here, or ask me in-game!
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