Rogue LF raiding "home."

As a student, my class schedule changed for the spring semester and I found myself unable to make the raid times I had made for over a year with my guild.

Anyways, lets get down to business. I've already got some gear, epics in a few slots- when they drop and when I can afford them. I'm currently saving for a nice BoE offhand dagger when I see one drop again. I realize rogues, despite being melee dps are in seemingly high demand right now as the statistically least-represented class at 85. I do enjoy pvp every now and then, but raiding is what makes this game interesting for me. Because I have some gear, doesn't mean I want to carry your group filled with dps wearing tank gear, pvp or healing gear that don't read up on the fights or constantly stand in the fire. Prove to me that your group has killed at least a few bosses 2+, because I have no intention of wiping on Magmaw all night at this point.

I know the fights, and those I don't know I can read up on quickly enough (Blizzard tends to recycle mechanics anyways). I have experience across 7+ raid tiers, having hit 60 near the end of Vanilla I didn't have much chance to do anything raid-wise outside of Zul'Gurub and AQ20. I keep fairly up to date on theorycraft for my class, do a bit of theorycraft myself and have a good eye for stat weights. I gem and enchant my gear, but feel free to look at my armory and or call me terrible because I didn't spend over ten thousand gold on the maelstrom crystal enchants. I say this because I might not check this topic again, so please send me an ingame mail or message me if I'm online.

Additional information: I'm 18, I'm a second semester college student. I have ventrillo and mumble, I use addons such as deadly boss mods. Last I checked I pull between 16-18k single target unbuffed. I'm pretty competetive in raids and used to being either first or second on the meters, although I don't run recount as it uses a good deal of memory. While you may have read all this and will now find yourself disappointed and perhaps angry with me- I cannot make ANY raids during peak hours on tuesday and thursday, any other day(s) of the week being fine. This is because of the afforementioned scheduling conflict that prevents me from raiding with my own guild. I'm not looking for a guild invite, just a raiding group- though it can be a guild group. I will only raid with you if I can make every raid day, I'm not going to just show up for progression nights and do all the work while other players farm valor points on old content that I can't attend due to class.

- I don't like people that don't pull their weight or take the minimal time to research their class or gear appropriately.
-My dps is great and I know the fights
-I cannot make any peak hour raids tuesday or thursdays (if you raid these days, I will not raid with you).
-Contact me in-game to get a fast response but feel free to bump this forum post for me
-Schedule permitting, and at a time opportune for such a transition, I will attempt to raid with my guild again- likely around or after June. I will of course, first do my best to find the group I'm leaving a suitable replacement unless one is already lined up.
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Forgive my spelling, its late- I'm tired, and I need to be at class at 7:30 tomorrow morning. You should understand the general meaning of my sentences even with some syntax errors, I didn't capslock or post gibberish.

Once again, for emphasis: ingame mail is the best way to contact me.
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