You cannot stop what you cannot see

...or at least, that's what I've been told.

I tend to disagree though. I find that a big stone wall covered in spikes with a rows of dogs and squirrels on top will put a halt to most incursions. The only issue being, of course, expense.

It's not the dogs, or the spikes, or the stone that'll get you either. It's the squirrels. You can find them by the bucketload in Elwynn forest, but they're raw, untrained, undisciplined. They need to be molded, shaped, and taught.

Forged in unholy fires, tempered by the crucible of knowledge and suffering. And finally, shown that the one true path to enlightenment lies in the utter and complete destruction of all and any who would cross that wall to mess with the holy nuts.

You HAVE to have the nuts angle. Otherwise, they just won't listen.

But really, training squirrels is horrifically expensive. Squirrel teachers don't come cheap. I know of only one or two. And their exact location is a jealously guarded secret, one I cannot divulge lest I suffer at the hand of their fluffy tailed minions.

Once you have them though, you're set, few things in this life are as frightening as a wall lined with chittering, bright eyed, fluffy death shock troops. Perfect security. perfect safety.

Once I got some installed, I knew I've never need to ruin a perfect evening of hot chocolate and gardening magazine with obsessive window-peeking again.

Now, I'm planning a new garden. One with more nut-trees and less gnomes.

I'll show it to you someday.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I'm in tears laughing right now. XD
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85 Goblin Shaman
The greatest philosopher Azeroth has ever seen?
I think so.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter

...I think he knows something we don't.
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