Looking for a healer that is capable of 2200, or is at least confident enough in their abilities that they can hit that and higher. If you're hpal, we'd probably run Kitty Cleave, if you're rdruid we'd probably be running WLD, or possible TreeSG if we can find a dk (trying to get a friend to level up his DK for this).
Post here or message me/mail me in game. I'm on from 10:30 PM server time on into like 5 AM server, and all throughout the weekends.
Don't be an emo rage queen, recognize your mistakes, be willing to know when you've made a mistake and/or listen when your teammates tell you what they think went wrong on a loss. I'm looking for mature PVPers who know how to handle the pressure of rated PVP.
Post here or message me/mail me in game. I'm on from 10:30 PM server time on into like 5 AM server, and all throughout the weekends.
Don't be an emo rage queen, recognize your mistakes, be willing to know when you've made a mistake and/or listen when your teammates tell you what they think went wrong on a loss. I'm looking for mature PVPers who know how to handle the pressure of rated PVP.